LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

April 13, 2010


Robert Elmer and Farragut

Today, I'm welcoming author Robert Elmer and his adorable dog, Farragut, to LeBlog!

Le: Hi, Robert! Thanks so much for dropping by today! What is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?

RE: I guess you’d have to call me a dog kind of guy, though I had cats as a kid, as well. Oh, and homing pigeons, lizards, chickens, ducks, a goat, snakes, frogs, hamsters, mice…

Le: Wow! That’s quite an assortment. How many pets do you have today?

RE: Just the one little guy, a malti-poo/mi-ki mix. (If you’ve never heard of a mi-ki, they’re a recognized toy breed.) Farragut is named for the naval hero (and state park near where we used to live), but he’s only about six pounds.

Le: Heroes can come in little packages too. Have you ever rescued an animal?

RE: Not technically. But we did get our wonderful sheltie from a family who couldn’t keep her, years ago. We had Freckles, a sheltie/cocker mix, while the kids were growing up.

Le: I love the name Freckles. Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?

RE: Oh yes, all the time. You should read about the dogs and cats in my kids’ books.

Le: I’ll have to do that! What was your favorite character animal?

RE: The dog in my “AstroKids” series. He wore a collar that transferred his thoughts into pre-recorded words and phrases. So in a way, he could speak. Pretty fun.

Le: Sounds wonderful! I’d love to know what some of my animals are thinking. Well, maybe not the Hilo Monster. Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?

RE: Not directly. But everything I know about pets usually makes its way into the characters.

Le: What is the funniest thing you’ve seen one of your animals do?

RE: Freckles was a great tail-chaser. Farragut plays a funny game of hide-and-seek, and yelps as he’s looking for me in all the hiding places he remembers.

Le: I love it when they chase their tails. So cute. Is there a secret that only your pet knows?

RE: Maybe, but he’s not telling.
Le: Ahhh! What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?

RE: That I leave him to go to work.

Le: Pets don’t seem to understand that work has a direct correlation to their eating. What is your pet peeve about your pet?

RE: He steals my socks.

Le: Oh! We had a dog that did that, took my dad’s socks right off his feet! But Hilo steals them too. As well as other things. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us! Now, I’d love to ask your pet a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺

Le: Hi, Farragut! Welcome! Thanks for stopping by today. What would be the title of your autobiography?

F: Namesake of a Naval Hero.

Le: I like that. If you were to write a novel, would your friend inspire one of the characters?

F: I would be happy to include them as minor characters, if the story allowed.

Le: It’s all about the story, isn’t it? What’s your favorite movie?

F: Lassie Come Home.

Le: I like that one too. What musical instrument would you like to play?

F: I play a mean plastic squeaky bone.

Le: Awesome. What do you think about cats? Dogs?

F: I would love to chase a cat to see how fast they could run, but my owner won’t let go of my leash. Big dogs are scary, but I’m getting used to them in obedience school.

Le: Maybe Robert is scared you’ll get hurt. Oh, but I forgot…you’re named after a Naval hero! So, where do you sleep at night?

F: In my comfy bed in the bathroom. I’ve tried hiding under the people bed, but they always find me when I tell them about suspicious noises outside. How do they do that?

Le: I bet you’re a good watch dog, keeping your family safe. What do you do when your friend is writing?
F: I sit in his lap, of course. What else?

Le: Very good! The Hilo Monster is too big to sit in my lap. I think I’d like that if she were smaller. What is your idea of bliss?

F: Writing time.

Le: I can understand that. What is your friend’s idea of bliss?

F: Having me around, I’m sure.

Le: Of course! Thank you so much for being with us today! You take care of your friend now, ya hear?

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