LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

April 16, 2010


Be Still

My daddy always said I was a wiggle worm. "Ya got ants in your pants?" he'd say. To this day, I'm usually more often on the move than sitting still. My son is the same. Must be an inherited gene that way. I remember when he first went to school, starting in 4th grade, I really worried that the teacher might get irritated at him because he could barely stay in his chair without falling out of it or knocking it over throughout the day. Thankfully, he had a gracious, sweet teacher. And we have a gracious heavenly Father.

“Be still and know that I am God.” That’s one of my favorite verses, but it isn’t always easy to do in our hurry-up society. My days often feel like a mad dash to the finish line as I get my kids up and off to school (and hopefully fed) or onto their homework, then it’s writing and marketing and facebooking, twittering, blogging and all the things authors are supposed to do. Then it’s pick the children up from school, race to their activities – dancing, fencing, basketball, music, voice. About that time I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to fix for dinner (take-out is always good). By the time dinner is over, the kitchen clean, laundry folded (or not!), I fall into bed exhausted. So finding time to just be still, is not easy. When I find time to be still, I sometimes nod off. But it’s so important for me to carve out time when I first wake up and during my crazy days to be still…and know. He is God. When was the last time you were still?

Thanks Leanna! What a great reminder. I can so relate to your description of your day. What peace I feel in my day when I take even just 3-4 minutes to be still in the morning. Have a great day! Kathy T.
Thank you for this reminder of our need to "be still" before God! We had a great student speaker in chapel today, and he reminded us of how important it is to give all, every part, of our lives to God. He should be our priority. May I remember that, not just this day, but every day of my life!

Thank you again! :)


Hi, Kathy! Thanks for stopping by. How right you are! If we just take a few minutes...it can make such a difference. I like to take a little time out in the middle of the day sometimes and it can really help!
Hi, Amber! Great to see you here. Giving God time is so important, isn't it? It's a part of giving our all to Him. Love it! Thanks for the great comments!
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