LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

March 24, 2010


Kathleen Fuller and Mollie

Hi, Kathleen and Mollie! Welcome! Thanks for stopping by today and chatting.

Kathleen, what is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?

I like both dogs and cats, but I have to say that dogs are my favorite because they’re more affectionate (at least our dogs are!).

How many pets do you have today?

Four dogs and one cat.

Have you ever rescued an animal? No

Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?

Yes. The first book in my tween (ages 9-12) series, Mysteries of Middlefield, features a stray dog that makes himself at home among the Amish, visiting their houses and being there for the kids when they need him. The dog will play a role in all of the books.

What was your favorite character animal?

Stuart Little, the mouse who could do everything.

I loved Stuart Little too! Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?

Not yet, but when I write a pet I use qualities and quirks from our pets.

What is the funniest thing you’ve seen one of your animals do?

There’s so many, but the most recent was our Yorkie puppy, Bella, who was entranced by a commercial for dog toys. Every time she heard the squeak her ears perked up and she stared at the TV screen. I think she wants one of those toys!

I think so too! Is there a secret that only your pet knows?

Yes, but you’ll have to bribe them with treats before they’ll spill. ;)

LOL! What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?

We make them stay on their leashes. They would love to run wild.

What is your pet peeve about your pet?

Sometimes there’s a little too much barking going on.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us! Now, I’d love to ask your pet, Mollie, a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺

Hi, Mollie! What would be the title of your autobiography?

To Know Me is To Love Me

That’s a great title! If you were to write a novel, would your friend, Kathleen, inspire one of the characters?

I’m a little ADD, so I’m not sure I could write a novel. How about a game of fetch instead?

That’s a good idea. What’s your favorite movie?

Hotel for Dogs. They were living the life!

I haven’t seen that movie! I’ll have to check it out. What musical instrument would you like to play?

The kazoo, as long as it’s bacon flavored.

Oh, yes, my dogs love bacon flavored things too. What do you think about cats? Dogs?

Dogs rock! Cats, not so much.

I can understand that. Where do you sleep at night?

In my comfy crate in Zoie and Sydney’s room.

What do you do when your friend, Kathleen, is writing?

Run around with the other dogs, chew bones, jump in her lap and plop myself on her hands while she’s typing. I do the last thing especially when she’s on deadline.

I’m sure she appreciates that! Now, what is your idea of bliss?

Unlimited rawhide bones and no leashes!

What is your friend’s idea of bliss?

Sitting in her lap so she can pet me.

I bet she loves that! Thank you so much for being with us today! You take care of your friend, Kathleen, now, ya hear?

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