LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

November 30, 2009


Going Rogue

Getting my book finished and turned in (at least this stage of it) was a huge relief before Thanksgiving! It freed up a little time (between making rolls and cooking sweet potatoes) for me to read something besides what I'd written. So I jumped right into the latest book that landed on my doorstep -- Going Rogue by former Gov. Sarah Palin. It turned out to be quite an interesting read. Now I want to visit Alaska! I love the independent spirit of Alaskans, which is very similar to Texans. I also enjoyed reading about all the behind the scenes stuff that went on during the last campaign, including why Sarah asked then Senator Biden, "Can I call ya Joe?" Sarah Palin was articulate and informative and honest about her difficulties and struggles along with her faith.

One part that was difficult for me to read because it struck so close to home was when she had a sonogram for her last baby and was told 'there's thickening on the back of the neck.' I was told the same thing when I was pregnant with my first child. It was a scary and uncertain time for my husband and I. As well as for Sarah Palin and her husband. Even though my son ended up not having Down's, he did have a hole in his heart when he was born, just like Sarah Palin's baby. Another connection and another time of rejoicing when the hole closed on its own and did not require surgery.

No matter your opinion of Sarah Palin, you should read this book and go beyond the stereotypes conjured up by the media to find out for yourself about this interesting woman who is definitely having an impact on Americans.

So what have you been reading over the holiday?

Thanks for letting me know about the book, Le. I haven't picked up the book yet, but am planning to. I have to say I'm a fan of Sarah Palin's. She really made a connection with folks here in Cincinnati.
Shelley, I forgot to mention about learning what has happened since the election and the viscious attacks during the past few months. And I'm not talking about David Letterman. She really goes into WHY she left office. A bold and selfless move.
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