LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

November 13, 2009


Frequently Asked Question about Time

How do you find time to write?

Many times I wonder that myself. There just aren't enough hours in the day. With two kids, homeschooling, taxiing them to and from activities, plus just the general running of a home, it’s not easy to find time. But I learned a long time ago, that you find time for what you want to find time for. Many days I get up long before the sun thinks about rising. I have a quiet time, which is essential for me to quiet my spirit and just chat with my creator. Then I write. I try not to get distracted by emails and blogs, but I need to work on that self-discipline more. Two and a half days a week, my kids attend a private school, so those are my heavy writing days. On days when the kids are home, we often all work at the kitchen table together. They're getting more self-sufficient in their schoolwork, so I have to do less and less. On those days I edit moe, check emails or address general business stuff. If needed after dinner I can usually find another hour or two if I’m not busy taking kids to dance, soccer practice or fencing. Thankfully, I also have a very supportive family and we all work together to do chores around the house. My husband does a lot of consulting too, so it's a juggle. Whoever has the closest deadline takes priority. We're a team, and we all have to work together.

When my son was first born, I was contracted for 4 books. So with a newborn, I wrote when he slept. Which wasn't often. He would only nap for about 30 minutes at a time during the day. So I did prep work while nursing him or throughout the day, jotting dialogue that came to me. Then during those thirty minute naps, I got busy. No time to check email, just write. And I managed to meet all my deadlines that year, even though half that time I was pregnant with my second child.

It can be done. So if you have a crazy schedule, just fit in bits and pieces. Remember, one page a day adds up to a book by the end of the year.

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