LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

February 27, 2009


Ain't it grand?

Life, that is? I suppose it's all in your perspective and what is happening in your life. But whether its good or bad these days, I hope you still find the awe of life in the every day. This week I am starting a new book, and it's just a reminder of how much I love writing and the ability to write for a living. That certainly wasn't always true. I was a teacher for five years, and during that time was always trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well, I still haven't grown up. But I did discover my passion. And that's writing. To think that I get to make up stories and get paid for it! Wow! Once upon a time, when I was a kid, I got in trouble for making things up.

So whether you passion is writing or singing or dusting or adding numbers, I hope you are able to truly enjoy that passion and find the joy in it daily. If not, then I hope you find your passion and God's path for you.

Hey, Sweet Lady: It's time you updated your "Books" page--you've got a new one out you don't even have posted there. Ruby needs her day in the sun!

I love starting new books. My mind is always overflowing with ideas about the characters, plot, setting. But my current WIP has proved quite a challenge. Oh well. To each new book a little frustration must come . . .

Hi, Linda! Check back soon as I'll be updating my website in the coming days. The intro page was changed this past week. Let me know how you like it. I fell behind getting changes made to my website while my dad was in the hospital for 3 weeks. But catching up ... all in time for Ruby's Slippers to hit bookshelves April 1! Blessings, Leanna
Oh, dear. Forgive me for forgetting! Hope your dad is doing better!
No worries, Linda! He's home, and we're grateful for that. Blessings, Leanna
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