LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

April 13, 2008


What's that say?

Do you squint at prescription bottles? Try to read that teeny tiny print? Anybody here need reading glasses? A couple of years ago I had to start wearing them. I'd go to critique group at night and because I'd been up since very early that morning my eyes would be tired. I borrowed a critique buddy's reading glasses. Then I finally had to buy my own pair. Now I have several (as I refuse to chain them around my neck). I found a bunch at Target for $1, so now I have a pair in each purse, near my computer, downstairs by the bed, wherever I might need them. My eye doc suggested I might consider that horrible 'b' word. Dare I write it? Bifocal. Ugh. Can't go there. I have a friend who has bifocal contacts. Not sure how that works or what that would be like. Confusing, I think. My mother has trifocals. Is that my future? LOL!

Anyway, if you do have trouble reading small print, then good news is here! Elvis Takes a Back Seat is going to come out in BIG PRINT!

I couldn't read the street names on maps so had to get reading glasses. When I finally got 'real' glasses I opted to pay the extra for invisible bifocals...I don't mind wearing glasses, but I did not want the bifocal reminder! I feel your pain.
My sister gave me bifocal sunglasses a year or so ago for my birthday when we went to Hawaii. So I could read on the beach. They also come in handy when I'm driving and trying to make a call on my cell phone and can't see the contacts listed. Bet you don't want to drive around me, huh? :)

Have a great day!
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