LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.
I came upon this site and a video of my editor giving an interview, discussing Christian fiction and B&H Publishing Group. So if you're interested in either, you might take a look at this 20 minute video.
David Webb is a terrific editor. I have been so blessed to work with him.
I've been busy this week working on revisions, along with a new proposal. A couple of new reviews came in this week, so you might want to check them out.
Linda Yezak has a brand new blog, so stop by and see what she has to say about Elvis Takes a Back Seat. Then check out
Michelle Sutton who posted a review of Elvis Takes a Back Seat this week.
Tomorrow, I'm speaking to a group of writers about Taking Care of Business in the writing profession. Until then, I better take care of my business -- which means WRITE!
You might notice a few changes around these parts. First under books, there's a new book page for my upcoming release Lookin' Back, Texas with an audio interview you can listen to on that page. On my bio page, there's the tv interview when I was on The Harvest Show.
Last night I went to a book club. They'd read Elvis Takes a Back Seat and invited me to come join in their discussion. It was a great group of women. They asked such interesting questions, not ony about the book but also about the publishing business. I loved talking to them, listening to them, learning from them. And of course, I enjoyed the yummy food!
I wish I could go to a reading group and discuss books with readers. So often, I discuss books with authors, but we have a totally different perspective on writing or analyzing. But I really like to hear what readers are thinking. I'm going to have to figure out how to put that in my schedule.
I've been reading an interesting book a publisher sent me, hoping I'll give a quote. I haven't had time to finish it yet. That's probably my biggest obstacle to any reading group. So much to read, so little time. What are you reading lately?
Do you squint at prescription bottles? Try to read that teeny tiny print? Anybody here need reading glasses? A couple of years ago I had to start wearing them. I'd go to critique group at night and because I'd been up since very early that morning my eyes would be tired. I borrowed a critique buddy's reading glasses. Then I finally had to buy my own pair. Now I have several (as I refuse to chain them around my neck). I found a bunch at Target for $1, so now I have a pair in each purse, near my computer, downstairs by the bed, wherever I might need them. My eye doc suggested I might consider that horrible 'b' word. Dare I write it? Bifocal. Ugh. Can't go there. I have a friend who has bifocal contacts. Not sure how that works or what that would be like. Confusing, I think. My mother has trifocals. Is that my future? LOL!
Anyway, if you do have trouble reading small print, then good news is here! Elvis Takes a Back Seat is going to come out in BIG PRINT!
Did anyone see the show last night? My kids watched and wanted to contribute. "Can we call? Can we call?" So my hubby said, "How much do you want to give?" They cleaned out their piggy banks (which don't really look like piggies). They put all their money into baggies and brought it to us. They'd been saving for our trip to Disney, but they wanted to give it all so we let them. I love that they wanted to help other children that they saw on the show last night.
The last song that the 8 Idol contestants sang was a Christian song called 'Shout to the Lord.' It's one of my favorites. We sing it in church often. A few christians I know didn't like that the contestants sang that song. But I personally loved it. I thought of all the homes that song was going into all around the world. I thought of those 8 young people who are starting their new careers. Many of them will have a wide audience. What if those lyrics burrow into their minds and hearts? How cool would that be?
Tonight one of the 8 contestants will be going home. It's going to be sad to see whoever go at this stage. I think everyone up there is talented.
Have you seen this youtube video? There are several to pick and choose from but this is a good one that gives a good overview of Oprah's beliefs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pslo04hB1Rk&NR=1
What struck me? Well, the other day I was in Barnes and Noble and picked up the Tolle book. I am not one to jump on the bandwagon of fear as I've seen running through the Christian community. I skimmed through much of the book. Many of the teachings are similar to Christianity. BUT, and I emphasize BUT, one thing is incredibly important to take notice of. Tolle (and Oprah) equate Jesus with spiritual leaders of other religions. However, they never address the fact that Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but through me." He is not equal. He is above other spiritual teachers. He is NOT just a spiritual teacher. He is God in human form.
The other interesting thing I picked up on this Oprah clip and she spoke about her religious experiences is that it seemed very self-centered. For instance, Oprah says, "you had to be at church at 8 o'clock if you wanted a seat." And she says that with a bit of attitude like she really resented that. I bet people in her audience have to be at her studios at a certain time to get their seats. Also, she said, "No one is telling you how you should behave in the church or outside of it. You, in your own heart, decide that." Which to me smacked of not wanting to be told what she should or should not do. Could all this 'deep' spiritual searching (which is a very clever lie excusing those of us who do believe there is ONE way into seeming shallow) be simply an excuse to excuse behavior that does not line up with the bible's teachings?
One more thing Oprah talks about is that God is a jealous God and how that threw her onto this spiritual journey. She believes God is love. As do I. But she can't see God as a jealous god. Now, I admit, looking at that statement in an earthly way does seem odd. But, God is jealous. Of our time. Our attention. Our love. What are we devoting time to? Serving ourselves? Serving a false god? Interesting in that is what Elvis Takes a Back Seat is about, taking our idols off the pedestals and worshipping God.
Going back to the self-centeredness I detected in this youtube video. It seems to me that in worshipping one true God, not one's self or heart or consciousness or whatever they call it, requires one to turn over desires and will and align those things with God's desire and will. And frankly, most people just don't want to do that. It's a struggle for me! And it turns many people away from Jesus. Remember the story of the Rich Young Ruler. Giving away all his worldly goods wasn't the point. The point was that the rich young ruler worshipped those things.
Please don't get me wrong. I think Oprah does a lot of good. In many ways, she is unselfish in that she gives much of her earnings away. But let's not follow her down a steep and rocky path either.
What are your thoughts?