LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

June 12, 2007


Bouquets and garters

This past weekend we went to a wedding in Kansas City. Now, they do things differently in KC. The most important difference is there is no groom's cake! This is a serious oversight. Maybe they don't know what a groom's cake is. I thought everything was up-to-date in Kansas City, according to Rogers and Hammerstein anyway. In Texas we have a bride's cake which is the traditional white cake and we also have the most sought after groom's cake. Which is chocolate. 'Nuf said.

This was my kids' first wedding. My seven year old daughter was excited. My nine year old son was not. When we reached the reception, my son was busy playing with a friend and not paying attention to any wedding festivities. I tried to get my daughter to go onto the dance floor and catch the bouquet but she was in her shy mode. But when it came time to catch the garter, I said to my son, "Hurry! Go catch the garter." Now, he's 9 and has no idea what a garter is. In fact, that was the first question when we were in the car headed back to the hotel. Anyway, I encouraged him more by saying, "Hurry! Everyone is trying to catch the garter. Go get it." And my very shy but highly competitive son was on the dance floor in a flash. He was jockeying for position in the front, his jaw set at that competitive angle. And yes, you guessed it, he caught it. Very proud of himself, he came back to the table, and I explained, "The person who catches the garter is supposed to be the next one to get married." His victorious expression scrunched down into a serious frown. Priceless.

Do you remember your first wedding to attend?

I remember going to my mom's cousin's wedding. I think I was about seven. I loved my new dress and being allowed to go made me feel so grown up! The bride was so pretty and I couldn't wait to get married! lol
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