LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

Secrets Buried Deep!Evidence from a decades-old murder is the last thing Nicole Keller-Mattson expected to find in her grandmother’s back yard, but the finger-pointing and accusations leveled at her family came as no surprise. Everyone in Ellington is eager to blame the Kellers—but after an attack leaves Nicole’s grandmother in a coma, only Nicole can clear the family name. With the assistance of police chief Rich Hendricks, she stands a chance of solving the mystery . . . if she’s willing to accept Rich’s help. Nicole lost her policeman husband in the line of duty—getting close to another cop is too painful. But keeping her distance could be deadly.
I'’ve always been fascinated by social dynamics in a small
town. Having lived in rural communities all my life, I’m intimately familiar
with the unique politics involved. Crafting a story about the shadow cast over
a town by its founding family came readily to me. I was particularly interested
to explore the affect past sins and secrets can have on a tight-knit community
and how the illusion of power is always trumped by the immutable laws of God.
We do reap what we sow, no matter how grand and invincible we imagine ourselves
to be.
The scripture I used at the front of the book was Psalm 37:10-11 from the NIV version of the Bible: A
little while and the wicked will be no more; Though you look for them, they
will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
I comfort myself with these words quite often when I see the injustices in the
CLICK HERE TO BUY THE BOOK NOW!http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0373444087/jillelizabeth-20
Jill Elizabeth Nelson writes what she likes to read—tales of
adventure seasoned with romance, humor, and faith, earning her the tagline: Endless
Adventure, Timeless Truth. She was
delightfully astonished this year to receive the prestigious Carol Award in the
Short Contemporary Suspense category for her 2009 release, Evidence of Murder. Jill speaks regularly at conferences,
writer’s groups, library associations, and civic and church groups. When
teaching classes for writers, she thrills to bring the Ahah! moment to
her students as they make a new skill their own. Jill and her husband live in
rural Minnesota where they raised
four children and are currently enjoying their first grandchild. Visit Jill on
the web at http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com for book giveaways, excerpts, and information.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO HER WEB SITE!Labels: christian author, Jill Elizabeth Nelson, Legacy of Lies
Have you seen the movie? If not, run to the closest theater, grab a bucket of popcorn and enjoy this family friendly film! We took the kids to see it Friday night and it was sensational. When was the last time an audience applauded at the end of a movie?
Before we went to see the movie, several friends and family had recommended it to us. But I had also read a review of the film. Now the review I read is a very conservative reviewer, Christian, and the critique is often a bit over the top. But that way, I know exactly what I'm taking my kids to see. This reviewer only had one bad thing to say about the movie: that the mom (Diane Lane) abandoned her family for this dream of racing this great horse.
Now, I am not applauding anyone who abandons their family, but Diane Lane doesn't do that. She is trying to save her father's farm, and the best way to do so is with this wonderful horse. She's creative in her approach and breaks through a glass ceiling for women. But what I kept thinking throughout the movie was why didn't that reviewer criticize the husband for not supporting his wife. All he did was complain and make it more difficult when she had to be away. Not until Secretariat won is 2nd BIG race, leading up to the Triple Crown win, did the husband jump on board the support train.
I'm sure my perspective is skewed because of my own pursuits of writing. Thankfully, I have an incredible husband who has always supported and encouraged me in my writing, whether it's taking a class or buying a computer or going off to a writer's conference. These men who are encouraging of their wives should be applauded! Three cheers for those wonderful husbands!!! Because they are out there! I bet there are a lot more out there like my husband than the do-do in the movie Secretariat. Because even he finally admits that his wife taught their kids a valuable lesson that wouldn't have been learned otherwise. Maybe that reviewer needs to learn that lesson too!
Labels: marriage, reviewers, Secretariat, the movie, women working

London Confidential Series
Byrd's ability to provide a fun story that incorporates biblical truth will help teens relate to this new series. Readers will identify with the struggle to fit in while staying true to one's convictions.
Romantic Times, 4 star review
Book Three, Don't Kiss Him Goodbye, finds Savvy, now established in her quirky British village, working hard to get an article with her own byline published. When an attractive and mysterious boy asks her for help with his school work, Savvy is slowly pulled into his circle and soon finds out that the wrong set of friends—boys and girls—can influence her own behavior. Following her own advice to cut ties with a charming bad boy would mean abandoning her dearest wishes, and it just doesn't seem as wrong as it feels. Is it? Read on for surprise twists throughout the book!
In a shocking turn of events, all writers for the Wexburg Academy Times will cast their votes for next year's editor—and it looks like Savvy's vote will be the tie breaker! In Book Four, Flirting With Disaster, Savvy must choose between a nasty-girl-turned-nice, with a sudden interest in letting Savvy get what she wants, and the prickly Hazelle, who promises nothing at all. Savvy then finds herself wrapped up in a new, seemingly innocent but potentially dangerous activity. It's all at risk in this book: her position on the paper, the boy she likes, the ministry she wants to go well. At a critical moment, Savvy must figure out how to rely on God rather than luck and to overcome temptation before it is too late.
London Confidential is a new series for tweens and teens where British fashion, friendships, and guys collide as an all-American teen girl learns to love life and live out her faith.
Please visit Sandra online at http://www.sandrabyrd.com/ The books can be purchased at amazon.com through her website or at other fine online or local bookstores near you. If they're not stocked, just ask!
Labels: christian author, London Confidential, Sandra Byrd, YA fiction

Le: Last spring at the Mt. Hermon writers conference, I met this wonderful author. So please welcome Sarah Sundin and Daisy! Hi, Sarah! Thanks for coming here today! We’re talking about our beloved pets today. So, what is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?
SS: Cats are my favorite. We had six cats for several years when I was a girl, which I don’t recommend, but I just love them. They’re beautiful and graceful, but I also love it when they lose their balance and put on an “I meant to do that” face.
Le: Oh, I love cats too. How many pets do you have today?
SS: We have a skittish little cat named Janie. And then there’s Daisy, the yellow lab.
Le: Oh, I have a yellow/white lab, who I adore. She is the best dog ever. Have you ever rescued an animal?
SS: My husband and I took in a stray cat when we were newlyweds—more accurately, the cat took us in. He chose us. He was a wonderful little cat.
Le: Ah, don’t you love how they do that? Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?
SS: There’s a cow with a small speaking part in A Distant Melody, a donkey with attitude in A Memory Between Us, and a couple of cats on the sidelines in Blue Skies Tomorrow. A dog character is developing in my mind for the next series I’m working on.
Le: What was your favorite character animal?
SS: Sahara Sue, the donkey in A Memory Between Us. Jack’s bomb group in World War II flies a mission to Tunisia and one of his colleagues barters for a donkey. This was based on a real incident in the real bomb group I chose. I thought it was so funny that I had to adapt it for my novel.
Le: Ah, that’s great! Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?
SS: Our dog Daisy is giving me ideas for the character in the next series I’m working on. In the meantime, Daisy has been the inspiration for numerous blog articles and Facebook posts. I get the most comments on Facebook when I mention something Daisy ate.
Le: LOL! That’s what happens when I mention something that The Hilo Monster has done. And she’s always doing something. What is the funniest thing you’ve seen one of your animals do?
SS: I’ve enclosed the picture because words alone don’t do it justice. When we brought Janie home from being spayed, she was pretty loopy on drugs. I looked into the living room and found her on the couch like this. What you can’t see is that she was licking the inside of her Elizabethan collar. The kids and I laughed ourselves silly.
Le: It is hilarious! Poor kitty! Cats so want to be dignified, which is what makes that picture so wonderful! Is there a secret that only your pet knows?
SS: My kids know I talk to myself, but our dog Daisy knows the full extent of it. Daisy’s heard me ask my characters probing questions (“Why, why are you doing that?”), grumble about my writing (“You call that a sentence? Yeah, that’s what happens when a pharmacist tries to write books.”), and talk smack to the computer for being a computer.
Le: That’s funny! What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?
SS: Daisy is a two-year-old yellow lab. Her pet peeve about me is that I don’t play with her twenty-four hours a day.
Le: So inconsiderate of you, Sarah! What is your pet peeve about your pet?
SS: That she wants to play twenty-four hours a day. I don’t. I want to write. So she does the negative-attention thing. She runs off with random household items (wooden spoons, eyeglasses, retainers, etc.) so I have to chase her to rescue them. Doesn’t that sound fun? Daisy thinks it’s a blast!
Le: We should get Daisy and The Hilo Monster together. Hilo does the same thing. She’s a master at grabbing eye glasses. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us! Now, I’d love to ask Daisy a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺
Le: Hi, Daisy! You are so cute! Thanks for coming to play today. Since Sarah is a writer, maybe you have some writing in you. What would be the title of your autobiography?
D: Eat, Play, Belly Rub.
Le: Very clever! If you were to write a novel, would your friend inspire one of the characters?
D: She’d be the evil prison warden who doesn’t let me out of my cell to play in sunshine.
Le: Ah, poor Sarah. What’s your favorite movie?
D: Marley & Me. Marley’s my hero. I aspire to be like him. The scene where he stole the woman’s necklace—pure genius. And I think he’s really hot.
Le: Oh, I love that movie too! I can’t let our labradoodle see it because she might get some more ideas. She already rivals Marley. What musical instrument would you like to play?
D: The clarinet. It’s made of wood and you stick it in your mouth. Wood is very tasty.
Le: Brilliant! What do you think about cats? Dogs?
D: Cats are also very tasty. Not that my kitty will let me catch her. I don’t know why. I just want a little taste, but no! She scratches my lovely pink nose and hisses at me! Can you imagine?
D: Dogs—oh, I can’t get enough of them. I have a BFF named Violet a few blocks down. She’s a boxer and she’s soooo much fun. Mom says when we play it’s the Waltz of the Flowers. Mom thinks she’s so clever. Ha.
Le: LOL! Where do you sleep at night?
D: On my big cozy pillow on Mom’s side of the bed so I can trip her if she gets up in the middle of the night (oodles of fun), and wake her up with a big sloppy kiss. She loves that. She says so every morning. At least that’s what I think “Uggh. Go away, you dumb mutt” means.
Le: I’m sure you’re right about that! Maybe you should lick her again when she says it. I think that’s what she wants. What do you do when your friend is writing?
D: My purpose in life—and I take it seriously—is to keep Mom from that silver box thingy. All she wants to do is sit and tap her fingers on it all day. Boring! So I liberate her pens (very tasty) and make her get up and exercise. A round of chase-the-dog-around-the-house is good for her circulation. Why does she need those glass thingies she puts on her eyes anyway? They’re tasty. They’re meant to be eaten.
Le: Hilo agrees with you. She’s eaten ten pairs of those glass things. It’s so sweet of you to care for Sarah that way by getting her to exercise. What is your idea of bliss?
D: A long round of chase-the-laser-pointer. You don’t know fun until you watch that little red light. Then a swim. Then a long belly rub. And jerky treats. I like jerky treats. They’re tasty.
Le: The laser is fun, isn’t it? What is your friend’s idea of bliss?
D: Sitting in front of that silver box thingy! She’s crazy! And never once has she eaten a wooden spoon. Can you believe that?
Le: She doesn’t know what she’s missing! Thank you so much for being with us today! You take care of your friend now, ya hear?
Labels: christian author, pet interview, Sarah Sundin