LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.
June 25, 2010
Marlo Schalesky and Jewel

Le: Hi, Marlo! Thank you so much for being here with us! What is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?
MS: Definitely a horse because you can ride them and have adventures!
Le: Yes, probably not a good idea to ride a cat around the house. ☺ How many pets do you have today?
MS: Six – four horses, a cat, and a goldfish
Le: Have you ever rescued an animal?
MS: We rescue wild birds from our cat all the time, which is appropriate since we rescued the cat too (somebody dumped him on the side of the road and he found us).
Le: How do they have that ability to find the people they need? But I definitely believe they do. Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?
MS: All the time. Jewel makes an appearance under a different name in my latest book, Shades of Morning.
Le: And Shakes of Morning just came out! What was your favorite character animal?
MS: Max, the iguana. He’s Marnie’s one and only pet in Shades of Morning. I don’t know why that woman had to pick an iguana for a pet when I’ve never had one, but she did. Insisted that I write in an iguana for her. I suggested a nice kitten or hamster, but she’d have none of it. It was an iguana or nothing. So, I had to learn all about iguanas just for her. Turns out Max was pretty cool.
Le: Isn’t that funny how characters make their own choices. ☺ Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?
MS: Jewel, in Shades of Morning. I also have a new idea I’m working on in which my daughter’s little Paint mare, Oreo, is a main character.
Le: Ah, I love Paint horses. And Oreo is a great name. What is the funniest thing you’ve seen one of your animals do?
MS: For six months, Jewel braided her own mane by rubbing against a post in her stall. THAT was a sight to behold!
Le: I bet! Is there a secret that only our pet knows?
MS: I don’t mind scooping horse poop as long as I get a few minutes of peace and quiet while I’m doing it (sometimes it’s my only quiet of the whole day). Shhh… don’t tell my daughters because I told them that poop-scooping is their job!
Le: What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?
MS: I don’t ride her often enough, and we don’t go fast enough. Jewel loves to go!
Le: Love that! Go Jewel! And did I tell you that Jewell (two l’s was my grandmother’s name?) What is your pet peeve about your pet?
MS: She doesn’t like to open her mouth for the bit, even though she LOVES for us to go riding. Silly girl!
Le: Well, I’m not sure I’d like a bit either. Hilo doesn’t like her collar but she loves to go for a walk and as soon as we get back home she is trying to get that thing off. ☺ Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us! Now, I’d love to ask Jewel a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺
Le: Hi, Jewel! You are beautiful! Thanks for coming by. What would be the title of your autobiography?
J: Let’s Ride! Tales of a horse who loves to go.
Le: Well, of course! If you were to write a novel, would your friend inspire one of the characters?
J: Sure. She’d be the one with all the kids.
Le: Ahhh. What’s your favorite movie?
J: Seabiscuit.
Le: A very good movie! What musical instrument would you like to play?
J: The drums, with my hooves of course.
Le: What do you think about cats? Dogs?
J: Cats are fine. They keep the mice away in the barn. Unless of course they’re very big cats (like mountain lions) that eat horses. I don’t like big cats at all. I snort at them. I don’t like dogs either. I don’t see the point of them. (My friend likes dogs a lot, though, so she must see something in them.) My philosophy is to ignore dogs completely.
Le: I would imagine a dog like my Hilo would be annoying as she likes to bark and would want to chase you. You would not like that! Where do you sleep at night?
J: In my stall, at the barn, next to my friends Valentine and Smokey.
Le: Ah, tell Valentine and Smokey hello and that they’ll have to come by sometime. What do you do when your friend is writing?
J: I take care of everyone at the barn and make sure they are all getting along. It’s my job to run things in a reasonable and equitable fashion so that there’s no fighting, biting, or kicking.
Le: I bet you do a great job! What is your idea of bliss?
J: Turning the last barrel and running as fast as I can back through the timing poles. I love gymkhana!
Le: I want to come watch some time! What is your friend’s idea of bliss?
J: Turning the last barrel and running as fast as we can back through the timing poles! I think she likes gymkhana too. We have fun!
Le: Thank you so much, Jewel, for being with us today! You take care of your friend now, ya hear? Thanks again, Marlo! And everybody go by Shades of Morning so Jewel can have lots of oats to eat. ;)
Labels: christian author, horse, Marlo Schalesky
June 20, 2010
What do you see?

When you're going 55 miles per hour or even 70? When I was in Amish country a couple of weeks ago, my friend Julie, her daughter, Alex, and I took a buggy ride. It was rather pleasant. It was a beautiful day. Still in the morning, it wasn't yet too hot. As we were clip-clopping down the highway, Julie noticed how we could really see the things along the road--a fruit stand, beautiful daisies, a farmer plowing a field behind horse and plow. If we'd been in a car, traveling at a high speed, all would have been a blur. Or we might have seen one thing and missed the others.
We felt the swoosh of air as a truck passed us and reminded us of how in our non-Amish world we're always in a hurry. How many times do I say, "Hurry, kids! Get in the car. We're going to be late!" We race here and there and everywhere. We race to church. We race to leave and get to the restaurant before anyone else can. We race through our lives. Are we seeing and yet not really seeing?
No, I don't really want to ride in a buggy and give up my car. I value my air-conditionin and the heated seats and that it can take me from Dallas to Memphis in a day. But I want to take the time to notice the fruit stand and stop and buy some fresh strawberries that actually taste like strawberries. I want to notice the flowers, the petals, the white petals and yellow and black center, rather than see a blur. I want to notice the farmer, and if he's a neighbor wave hello or stop and chat.
So maybe we should take a horse-drawn buggy tour of our lives. And I want to enjoy every minute of this life, noticing every detail.
Labels: Amish, buggy rides, fast-paced lives
A Matter of Character by Robin Lee Hatcher

by Robin Lee Hatcher
Historical Romance
June 2010
Who says a woman can’t keep a secret?
It's 1918, and Daphne McKinley, heiress to a small fortune, has found contentment in the town of Bethlehem Springs. But Daphne has a secret.
A series of dime novels loosely based on local lore and featuring a nefarious villain known as Rawhide Rick has enjoyed modest popularity among readers. Nobody in Bethlehem Springs knows the man behind the stories … except Daphne.
When newspaperman Joshua Crawford comes to town searching for the man who sullied the good name of his grandfather, Daphne finds herself at a crossroads, reassessing the power of her words, re-thinking how best to honor her gifts, and reconsidering what she wants out of life.
View the book trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84yGMuj21Uo
About the Author:
The author of over 60 books, best-selling novelist Robin Lee Hatcher is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. She makes her home in Idaho where she enjoys spending time with her family and her high-maintenance Papillon, Poppet. She invites you to drop by her web site and her Facebook Page to learn more about her and her books.
Web site: http://www.robinleehatcher.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robin-Lee-Hatcher-Novelist/48662178098?ref=mf
By the way, I interviewed Robin and her dog, Poppet a couple of weeks ago, so if you missed it you might want to read it now!
Labels: Robin Lee Hatcher, romance, women's fiction
June 17, 2010
Gail Martin and Jinx!

Le: Hey, y’all! Please welcome author Gail Martin to my blog today! Hi, Gail! Thanks so much for being here! Let’s just jump in and get started! What is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?
GM: I can’t pick between dogs and cats. I’ve owned both and I love each for different reasons. Dogs are faithful and welcoming. Cats are whimsical and independent.
Le: I love both too. How many pets do you have today?
GM: Sadly, none. When my last cat died, we were pet-less and because we travel so much and sometimes for long periods of time when we are in Europe, we decided it wasn’t fair to the animals. Once I settle down again and stay home more, I would love a small dog or a cat or both.
Le: Traveling is good though. And very responsible of you not to leave a pet behind. It’s so hard on our animals. Have you ever rescued an animal?
GM: Yes, my cat Waifer who lived to be 20 was abandoned in northern Michigan. We had a popup trailer on my parent’s property and one night we heard a rustle outside. We assumed it was a possum so we decided to open the door and let our Samoyed and terrier outside to scare the pest. When we flung open the door, this tiny little kitten sat mewing up at us. We took her in, and then the next day went out to homes that were further down the road to see if they’d lost a kitten. Everyone laughed. They said people always dumped their kittens in the woods. We decided to take her back home to the Detroit area and find her a good home. We did. Ours. Since she was a little waif in the woods, we named her Waif-er.
Le: Ah, that is such a sweet story. Waifer was certainly blessed to find y’all. Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?
GM: Yes, I’ve had cats and dogs in my novels and would love to have a parrot sometime. One book that stands out in my mind is Dooley, an Irish setter, who is a great character in my novel, The Christmas Kite. My series out right now is based on three women who are involved in a dog shelter. The first book, Dad In Training, is about Molly who wants to own a dog shelter. The second book, Groom In Training, is her best friend, Steph who runs a doggie day care in her home and wants to move it to the back of Molly’s shelter. Steph owns a border collie named Fred and he’s a great character in the first two books. The final book, Bride in Training, to be released in less than a week, is the story of Emily who is a part-time employee at Time For Paws, the dog shelter, and who also has a dog walking/sitting business.
Le: I love that! Love the premise of the series and new book. Very cool. What was your favorite character animal?
GM: I would have to say Fred the border collie. He is a fun dog, well-behaved and such a good friend to Steph. And best of all, he’s also a romantic too. He falls in love in book two, Groom In Training.
Le: Too funny! Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?
GM: Yes, both Jinx, a terrier-mix and Teddy, a Samoyed, inspired scenes and events in my novels. Jinx lived to be twenty as well and influenced my life very much. Teddy was a real character with separation anxiety. He was so powerful, that when we hired someone to stay at our home while we traveled for a month, he moved large pieces of furniture from room to room – like overstuffed chairs – and tore up every houseplant as well as the baskets they were in. The young woman asked our neighbor to help her find a way to keep Teddy in the basement when she left the house, but Teddy didn’t like the idea. He ate the basement banister which we had to repair when we came home. She swore she would never own a pet or have children. She did have children eventually.
Le: Oh my! And I thought the Hilo Monster (my labradoodle) was trouble! Do you have anymore funny stories?
GM: I have two funny stories. We fed Jinx canned dog food and when we bought cans of doggie stew, we realized Jinx didn’t like peas. He ate all around the peas and made a little pile of them on the outside of his dish. Teddy on the other hand liked everything. One day my husband came home from work and I was thrilled to tell him, I’d made chicken paprikash for dinner and homemade spaetzel (German noodle). He walked into the kitchen and called to me asking why I’d made such a small amount. I said I’d halved the recipe because I thought that was plenty. He said there’s less than a cup here. I knew he was wrong. I had made them, put them in the frypan with butter and bread crumbs to brown when he arrived home. I had a whole pan full. When I went in the kitchen, he was right. We looked down and saw Teddy sitting beside us with a large smile on his face. . .that’s if dogs could smile. But we knew he was guilty.
Le: Oh, boy! Now that is something the Hilo Monster has done. Is there a secret that only your pet knows?
GM: Not really a secret, but people always think I’m very sweet and loving. Ask the dogs. They know the truth. I do get crabby, and that means raising my voice a lot. . .even if it’s just at myself. Or you could ask my husband. : )
Le: Our pets see all sides of us, don’t they? And they still love us. What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?
GM: Our travels would have to be the answer. When we went up north to the trailer, they came along and loved it. They were both good riders. But taking dogs to Europe or on cruises isn’t a good idea. We love to do both.
Le: I’m with your pets about the cruises. Am I green just thinking about it? But I’m a different kind of green thinking of your trips to Europe. I definitely want to come along on one of those trips! What is your pet peeve about your pet?
GM: Dogs have one bad feature that cats don’t have. Cats use litter boxes. Dogs use the yard. That’s my pet peeve.
Le: Yes, they do. Or as one of mine (and I won’t name names) likes to use the inside. Sigh. Thank you, Gail, for taking the time to be with us! Now, I’d love to ask your pet a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺ Hi, Jinx! What would be the title of your autobiography?
J: Hi – This is Jinx and if I wrote my autobiography it would be, A Terrier’s Adventure. Since I hate to think of what happened to me, I’ll let my master tell the story. When he was about 16 or 17, he’d lost his sense of smell and his sight wasn’t good. He followed our other dog out of the yard when a meter-reader came to our house and didn’t lock the gate. Teddy came back, but Jinx was gone. We did everything—kennels, police, signs, etc. – and after two weeks, we gave up. With tears in my eyes, I picked up his doggie dish and toys to get rid of them. Everyday my heart broke wondering his fate. The telephone rang that day and it was our vet asking if we still had Jinx. I told him until two weeks earlier, yes. He said I think he’s here. The secretary went out to lunch and spotted him hanging around the building. She thought he looked familiar. The vet looked at him and then called us. He wore his dog tag so we checked the number and sure enough. We picked him up – and though his foot pads were raw and he smelled like garbage, we were thrilled to have him home. The strange part of the story is that our vet was many miles from our home across two major highways. How he found his way there only the Lord knows.
Le: Wow! That is some adventure! If you were to write a novel (and sounds like you might have one), would your friend inspire one of the characters?
J: She might inspire a story. She’d done a 360 degree turn since she was young to now. She was very shy and had no confidence in herself at all. Today she is a speaker at churches and conferences all over the country. Plus she loves acting and is a solo singer. I think writing a story about how God can drag out people’s talents and change them for the better would be a good lesson for anyone who read it. I was always confident and talented so I couldn’t write that kind of a story about myself.
Le: Oh, isn’t that wonderful how God works! I’ll have to have Gail back sometime and talk to her about the changes in her life. So, Jinx, shat’s your favorite movie?
J: Easy. Lady and the Tramp. I’m sort of a tramp at heart. I suppose my adventure story shows that, and I’m also a lover. My girlfriend used to live next door and we had some romantic times together, although we never had a spaghetti dinner like the one in the movie. I always wanted to take her out, but no sense in talking about should haves. That’s one thing my master has taught me. She says in life and in novels those are in the past. We try to look to the future.
Le: That is definitely good advice. And I love Lady and the Tramp too. It’s one of my all time favorites. What musical instrument would you like to play?
J: I think I’d like to play the maracas. I could shake those babies and dart around the room. Sounds fun to me.
Le: What do you think about cats? Dogs?
J: I had little choice. Where I lived, they brought home dogs and cats so I had to deal with it. Teddy and I became good friends, but the cats. I tolerated them, but we weren’t exactly friends. For one, Waifer always tried to steal my spot in bed.
Le: Just like a cat! So, where do you sleep at night?
J: Where else? With my masters on their bed. Sometimes I like to sleep between them, especially in winter when it’s cold. I’ve even slipped beneath the blankets. I’m not really welcome there, but what’s a guy gonna do?
Le: Exactly! What do you do when your friend is writing?
J: Either bark to get in or out or, my favorite, curl up on a rug in the sun and take a nap.
Le: That definitely sounds like a good idea! What is your idea of bliss?
J: I love the sandy beach outside Mackinaw in northern Michigan. We had a long stretch of sand, some woods to visit, and best of all flocks of birds to chase. I even went swimming occasionally.
Le: That sounds lovely! And fun! What is your friend’s idea of bliss?
J: Probably the same. They spent many long weekends on that beach although they didn’t chase birds. They swam, went for walks, and, at night, sang around campfires. You don’t know what stars look like until you’re on a beach like that.
Le: They didn’t chase the birds? Huh! Thank you, Jinx, for being with us today! You take care of your friend now, ya hear?
Labels: christian author, Gail Martin, pets
June 16, 2010
Simple and Sweet

One of the things I love about summer is simple eating. Strawberries. Blueberries. Watermelon. Simple and sweet. Fresh. Ripe. Delicious.
When I was in Amish country last week, I bought these beautiful strawberries at an Amish farm. They were wonderful. I didn't eat dinner one night and just munched on these sweet strawberries. Yummy!
Simplicity is one of the things I love about the Amish. Their lives are simple. Slower-paced. Without email and texting and television, they can focus on each other, their work, their families. It's a simpler way of life. I think that's one of the attractions to their culture and one of the reasons for the popularity of Amish fiction. Simple and sweet. Although I love my life, love the opportunities my children have with all of their activities, love that I am blessed to be writing and publishing my stories, sometimes it's all overwhelming. It's busy. Going here. Going there. Go. Go. Go. There's always something to do. It's hard to find quiet moments to just be still and quiet and think. Simplicity is something I'd like to strive for in my own life. But not something easily achieved. What do you think? What do you think is the attraction to Amish fiction? Do you crave simplicity in your own life? What's something you could delete to make life simpler?
Labels: Amish, Lancaster County, simplicity, strawberries
June 14, 2010
Let there be light!

Last week, I went to Lancaster County, PA for research on my book, FORSAKEN, an Amish/vampire story in the Plain Fear series. This is a picture from a tour we took of an Amish style house. The lamp is gas powered and sits on wheels. You can wheel it from room to room. So, why do the Amish go to all of this trouble to avoid electricity? They do not want any ties with the outside or Englisch world. Electricity requires wires and such. Gas does not. They use a lot of gas-powered things or even propane powered machines. It is definitely a different world that they live in, but I respect them for their faith and for their commitment to their beliefs. In our world, we like to make things easier. 'Better' we call it. But is our world really better? Is easier better? Not always.
Labels: Amish, Amish fiction, lamps, light
Summer is HERE!
My kids have been out of school a month but it hasn't really felt like summer as we've been running here and there and everywhere. For the past five weeks, we've taken a trip each week--to graduations and family reunions and also a research trip. But this week, as far as I know at this point, we are home! Yea! Feels good. We still have activities but maybe I can finally get my suitcase unpacked and put away. Or so that's the plan. I'm also hoping for some good writing. I'm on the home stretch for two books and would love to get finished with these drafts over the next three weeks. But what I'm most looking forward to is a bit of time spent at the pool. So look out, y'all, I'm diving into summer! How about you?
June 12, 2010
Book Signing today!
Hey, y'all! If you're in Highland Village, TX, or nearby, I'll be at the Barnes and Noble signing Once in a Blue Moon! Come by and say hello from 2-4pm! I would love to see you!
June 7, 2010
Interview with Nancy Mehl and Watson

Please welcome, author Nancy Mehl and Watson!
Le: What is your favorite kind of a pet? Dog, cat, guinea pig? And why?
NM: I love all kinds of animals, but I’m probably drawn more to dogs than anything else. They are so loyal and unique. Every dog I’ve owned has had a different personality.
Le: How many pets do you have today?
NM: Just one now. Last year was tough. We lost two dogs that had been with us for many years. Rosie was fourteen, and Eddie was only nine. He had cancer. He was my best bud.
Le: Oh, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose our beloved pets. I lost a cat two years ago and I still miss her. She was our rescue kitty. Have you ever rescued an animal?
NM: Every pet we’ve ever had except one was a rescue animal. Our current dog was rescued from the Humane Society.
Le: That’s terrific! Do you ever incorporate animals into your novels?
NM: Yes. In fact, I can’t think of a novel that hasn’t had an animal! LOL! I have two new series debuting this year. In my Harmony series, there is a cat named Snicklefritz and a dog named Buddy. Buddy is fashioned after Eddie. And in my Curl Up and Dye series, there is a dog named…Watson! Funny thing is, I wrote the book before we got “our” Watson. And I’d totally forgotten about the fictional Watson since publication of the book was delayed for a while due to changes with the publisher. It was quite a surprise when I remembered the connection!
Le: Oh, how fun! What was your favorite character animal?
NM: Oh, my. When I was a child, I’d have to say it was Black Beauty. Now, it would be hard to pick one, although I adored Eddie, the dog in Frasier.
Le: I love Eddie! Has one of your own pets been the inspiration for a pet/character in a novel?
NM: Yes, Eddie is Buddy in my Harmony series. And although the Watson in the Curl Up and Dye mysteries is an eight-year old pug, and my Watson is a one-year old puggle, they are definitely connected.
Le: What is the funniest thing you’ve seen one of your animals do?
NM: They’ve all been rather funny, but Watson is really hysterical. He’s the first dog we’ve had who watches TV. If any kind of animal comes on, he runs to the TV, stands up on his back legs and stares at them. Many times he barks too. (One day he put his paw up to touch a dog and changed the channel!) Oh, just thought of something else. We have a fireplace stove with a glass door. One day he saw himself in the door. He stared at the image for a while, and then he peeked behind the stove, trying to find the dog he saw looking back at him from the glass! LOL!
Le: That’s funny! Is there a secret that only our pet knows?
NM: Too many to mention.
Le: Not fair! What is your pet’s pet peeve about you?
NM: Well, he doesn’t like it when I won’t play “tug the rope” with him. He keeps tapping my leg with his rope until I give in.
Le: What is your pet peeve about your pet?
NM: We’re still trying to convince him that he doesn’t have to protect me when my husband wants to hug or kiss me! LOL!
Le: Ah, how sweet…and uh…well, not so sweet. Funny though. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us, Nancy! Now, I’d love to ask Watson a few questions. Don’t forget to give your sweet pet a treat afterwards. ☺
Hi, Watson! You are sooo cute! What would be the title of your autobiography?
W: The Long Walk by Watson Mehl. (Yes, I know Stephen King wrote a book with the same title, but walks are my very favorite thing! Besides, I don’t think he wrote about the same kind of walk. Although I wouldn’t know because I can’t actually read.)
Le: If you were to write a novel, would your friend inspire one of the characters?
W: Yes, the main character. I love her sooooooo much. She’s my best friend.
Le: That’s so sweet! What’s your favorite movie?
W: I’ve only seen one movie. My owners checked it out just for me. It was called “Hotel for Dogs.” I loved it. I barked a whole lot. Even though it’s not a movie, my favorite TV show is “The Dog Whisperer!”
Le: That is a good show! I haven’t seen the movie but I’ll have to rent it for my doggies. What musical instrument would you like to play?
W: Hmmmm. Well, I toot a lot so I guess a trumpet. But I’m not really talking about that kind of “tooting.”
Le: LOL! What do you think about cats? Dogs?
W: I love all of ‘em, but cats are a little different. There’s a cat in our neighborhood that comes right up to visit with me. I like him, but if I get too close, he makes a funny hissing noise. I don’t like that.
Le: Where do you sleep at night?
W: In bed with my owners. Where else would I sleep????
Le: That sounds like the perfect spot. What do you do when your friend is writing?
W: Sometimes I like to sit on a special seat she put in her office just for me. I can look outside while she works. Sometimes I take a nap on the seat, and sometimes I take a nap by her feet. But other times I get bored and go downstairs. Then I take a nap in her special chair.
Le: What is your idea of bliss?
W: Hmmmm. A walk with my owners. And cuddling up with my best friend while she snoozes in her favorite chair.
Le: That sounds lovely. What is your friend’s idea of bliss?
W: Cuddling up with me in her favorite chair – after her writing is done for the day!
Le: Now that does sound perfect! Thank you so much for being with us today! You take care of your friend now, ya hear?
W: I will. I promise. One other thing – my friend typed all these answers for me because I don’t know how to use a computer and I don’t have fingers. Just wanted to be honest about it…
Le: Well, I appreciate that Watson. And your friend is a professional at the typing thing. ;)
Labels: christian author, interview, Nancy Mehl, pets
If you've wondered where I've been…besides to San Antonio, Lubbock and to a family reunion…I've been writing. I'm not off to Pennsylvania to do a little research on the Amish/vampire book I'm writing for Sourcebooks. Be watching, I'll post pictures when I get back. Until then, Wednesday I'll have a new author/pet interview posted. You won't want to miss cute Watson!
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