LeBlog--The Blog about life…writing, raising kids, chasing dogs, handling life and all its bit parts.

September 28, 2007


Journey Part 4

I sold my second book fairly quickly but then there was a whole year that I received rejections before I sold my next novel. Mostly I wrote for Silhouette Romance until the summer I gave birth to my first child. Then I sold to not only the Romance line but also the Harlequin Temptation and Harlequin American lines. I wrote four books between my son’s birth and his first birthday. I was pregnant with my second child during half that year! So by the time my daughter arrived, I was tired and feeling burned out. But another phenomenon was taking place.

When I was pregnant the first time, the baby had only a two vessel cord. This can be a normal anomaly. But it can also be a sign of a whole long list of things that could be wrong. So every month, I had a sonogram. As I got closer to my due date, the sonograms increased. When my son was born, the first pediatrician to see him said he was just perfect. I could have kissed the doctor! I was so relieved. But then my son's regular pediatrician heard a heart murmur. After a few tests, it was determined he had a hole in his heart.

Now, let me just say, taking my newborn to a pediatric cardiologist is one of the scariest things I've ever experienced. It's not like the baby's nose is crooked. It was serious. My husband and I were clinging to God during this time.

God healed our son's heart. He didn’t have to have surgery. During that difficult pregnancy and early uncertainty, God really began a work in my life. More like an overhaul. You see, I had put God on the back burner. I was busy. I was writing. My career, my writing had become my idol. And as God began to change my heart, he consequently began to change my writing. Soon I had a really tough decision to make.

September 27, 2007


Journey Part 3

During those early years of writing, I often had two critique groups. One was a general fiction group and the other was romance writers. I’ve had several critique groups over the year and have learned a lot about the dynamics of such groups. Critique groups are fabulous! I wouldn’t be where I am without my fabulous friends over the years encouraging and helping me. But also, there’s a caution. I’ve been in some very destructive groups. So guard your baby (your manuscript) carefully. You wouldn’t turn your baby over to any old nanny or babysitter. And neither should you turn over your manuscript to any critique group. But that’s a whole other discussion.

There were lots of ups and downs as there usually are on the road to publication. In 1993, I began to place in the finals of contests. I began to meet editors and agents at conferences. I received rejections, one after waiting 14 months. In the fall of 1994, I began to not only make the finals but to win. My story, Strong, Silent Type, began to win contests. Silhouette Romance bought it in March 1995. The title was changed to Strong, Silent Cowboy. That summer in Hawaii at the Romance Writers of America’s national conference it won the prestigious Golden Heart award.

What a summer that was! I sold my first book, married my real life hero and won the Golden Heart award. But be careful what you wish for!

September 26, 2007


The Writer as Hero on the Journey to Publication

The writer's journey, much like the hero's journey, is similar. There's the 'ordinary world' where the would-be-writer is oblivious to all the angst it takes to become a published author and simply enjoys the written world and gulping down novel after novel. Then the 'call to adventure' makes the would-be-writer think, 'what if ...' Sometimes it's a 'mentor' character. Sometimes it's desperation. Sometimes it's throwing a book against the wall and saying, "I can write better than that!"

Immediately after 'the call to adventure is the 'refusal of the call.' "Oh, no, I can't do that! I don't have time! I don't know how! I'm not (fill in the blank here: smart enough, worthy...)! I don't know anyone who writes books or who even lives in New York!" There are all sorts of excuses that would-be-writers use. They're good at excuses. They have a good imagination. You see, they've already begun the transition from being a would-be-writer to a writer.

Next, the writer meets a mentor. This could be a teacher, a professional writer who takes the writer under his or her wing or even another fledgling writer who comes along side and encourages. The writer begins to 'cross the threshold.' Once beyond this point, it's very hard to go back. How do you turn off the imagination once it's been turned on to possibilities? The writer is committed.

But there will be 'tests, allies and enemies' found. Finding the discipline to sit down every day to write is a test. Finding the right words is another test. Learning the craft is another test. The writer also begins to meet other writers and makes friends, finds allies (those who will support and encourage and lift her up when she is down) and unfortunately learns who the enemy is. This is the hard part. Because there will be those who belittle what the writer is doing. Sometimes it's family or friends. They don't understand how a writer bleeds on the page. They don't understand each manuscript is like giving birth to a child when they say, "It's horrible! It's ugly! Why do you waste your time? This book is better than your last. Your first book is better than this one." Would you say that to a parent? "Your child is ugly! Your child is horrible! Why do you waste your time? Your last child is better than your first. Your first child is better than this one." The writer learns who to trust, which critique groups will be honest and yet encouraging. The writer learns who to share their hopes and dreams with. The writer learns that jealousy and lack of imagination are the true enemy.

Then the writer 'approaches the inmost cave.' I've heard Chris Vogler call this section just simply 'the approach.' Whichever, the writer is learning her strengths and weaknesses in writing. Growing the weaknesses, playing to the strengths. She is also learning during this time what she wants to write. Historical? Contemporary? Romance? Mystery? Horror? Fantasy? Inspirational?

Next the writer faces the 'ordeal, death and rebirth.' What is the writer most afraid of? For some it's rejection. For others it's any criticism. I have seen many writers turn back here, their writer spirit killed. They go back to their ordinary world, changed, and yet try to resume their ordinary lives. But once a writer, always a writer. They will never see their world the same again. And many live with a part of their soul dead. Sometimes during this time, the writer has to kill one of her manuscripts. It's painful to admit that a particular manuscript is too flawed to ever sell.

But once a writer experiences the death of part of her dream (okay, it's going to take longer than one year or it's not going to be my first manuscript to land on a book shelf) then the writer digs deep and decides this dream is worth fighting for. So she 'seizes the sword' (remember the pen is mightier than the sword!) and declares she will fight, er... write until she sees her name (or some version of her name, like a pseudonym) on the cover of a book.

'The road back' is a rededicating herself to the change. Sometimes chase scenes are involved here. Yes, the writer chases down an editor at conference or chases down a lost manuscript at a publishing house. The writer does her research carefully, discovers exactly what kind of dish soap the agent of her choice uses so she can attract that agent's attention with her next proposal. The writer has learned much thus far and is more confident. She knows the market. She knows many published authors, editors and agents by this time. She’s comfortable at a writer’s conference. She is now writer warrior.

Then there is a final battle. You knew that was coming didn’t you? All seems lost for a moment. A contest lost. A manuscript rejected by one house. Only to be loved by another. This is the moment the writer has been waiting for – ‘resurrection!’ This is the moment of confirmation that the writer has been waiting for, the phone call of a life time (and you thought it was tough in high school waiting for that boy to call)! Victory! Publication!

Finally, ‘returning with the elixer’ is holding that manuscript which is now in book form, hugging it, showing it to the writer’s fellow writers! Doing the ‘happy dance’ with all those who have cheered her on from the beginning, encouraging others to begin the journey!

September 25, 2007


Catchup and moving on...

Just a couple of items today before I get back to blogging about my journey tomorrow. My friend D Anne Love is a YA author who has a video up on a homeschooling website called www.meetmeatthecorner.org. Check it out! Very cool!

Also, I just received word today that Kristin Billerbeck has given Elvis Takes a Back Seat a quote. Here it is:

“Elvis Takes a Back Seat is no different from its muse—full of surprises, drama, and humor, just like the King of Rock ’n’ Roll. Welcome to a talented storyteller and a fun, deep, unexpected book.”
Kristin Billerbeck, author of What a Girl Wants and The Trophy Wives Club

September 23, 2007


ACFW Friends

I have such a hard time remembering to take pictures. But here I am with Elvis. Again. Throughout the conference I became known as the lady with an Elvis book coming out in January. Met several in the bathroom who said that. Met someone in the prayer room who also said that. Everywhere I went it was the same. And carrying Elvis through the lobby didn't help.


ACFW Friends

Not sure if you can see this picture very well. It's James Scott Bell singing 'Hairy Man.'


ACFW Friends

Lenora Worth writes for Steeple Hill. She is so cute and sweet!


ACFW Friends

Here's my girlfriend, Rachel Hauck! Enjoyed reading her NashVegas book this summer. Another multi-talented author, Rachel blessed us by leading worship all weekend. Wow is she gifted!


ACFW Friends

Another multi-talented author is Brandilyn Collins who writes seatbelt suspense. Hang on for the ride!


ACFW Friends

Colleen Coble is a terrific suspense author. She also taught a great class on suspense at the conference. Plus, she won a few Book of the Year awards. I'm reading her book Abomination right now. Hope I can go to sleep tonight!


ACFW Friends

James Scott Bell was our keynote speaker. He is multi-talented! He's a fabulous suspense novelist. He also has written a terrific book called Plot and Structure that I love and have read multiple times. And he can even sing! Not quite as good as Elvis but then I never heard Elvis sing 'Hairy Man.'


ACFW friends

Here's my friend, Mindy Obenhaus. She writes romantic suspense.


ACFW Friends

Lisa Buffaloe is one of the sweetest people I know! She just won a writing award last weekend. Unfortunately my brain has given out and I can't remember the name of that conference. But congrats, Lisa!


ACFW friends

Deeanne really wanted to pose with Elvis!


ACFW friends

Here's my friend, Deeanne Gist! She's a fabulous writer, winner of 2 Christy Awards.


ACFW Pictures

Yes, Elvis showed up at the Marriott. I think he's stalking me. He actually came in very handy one night when the key to my room quit working. I couldn't get in! A bellman happened to walk by and I asked him if he could let me in my room. He said, "Tell me something in your room so I know it's yours."

It didn't take me long to think of Elvis standing in the corner. The bellman stared at me a moment, unlocked the door and his eyes widened. I bet he'd never heard that one before.


ACFW Conference

I'm home and pooped! It was a fabulous conference. I really enjoyed seeing so many writer friends and making so many more. It was great seeing my editor and agent and getting a chance to talk to them about my next book which I start writing tomorrow! I'm so excited about it!

I'll do a few quick blogs with pictures that I hope you'll enjoy. Watch for Elvis! Above is a picture of my roommates, from left to right: me, Beth Shriver, Shelley Galloway who writes for Harlequin and has an Amish book coming out with Avon Inspire, and Cathy Liggett. They were great roommates!

September 19, 2007


Book Signing

I'll take a quick pause in my writer's journey and will continue it on Monday. Hope you'll come back for that.

Tomorrow, I'll be leaving for the ACFW conference. It's in Dallas. There will be a public book signing Saturday, Sept. 22nd from 1:30 to 2:30 at the Marriott Quoram by the Galleria. I'll be giving away (FREE!) some sample chapters of my book, Elvis Takes a Back Seat. Other authors (much more famous than I) will be signing their books. If you're in the area, I hope you'll come out.

See you Monday!

September 18, 2007


The Journey Part 2

I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting into. So, the first thing I did was sign up for a writing class. Which made me start writing.

Amazingly enough in my naivete or stupidity, I really thought I’d be published in a year. Little did I know how long it would take to write that first book. Much less to get an editor or agent to look at. Or for an editor to love it enough to pay money to publish it! I attempted a few children’s picture books but I never got anything but a standard rejection letter. I was at the time reading a lot of romance novels. So my first novel was more along the lines of what I was reading. I stumbled upon an ad in the Tyler paper about a local chapter of Romance Writers of America having their monthly meeting. A published author was speaking. Someone who'd broken through that mythical barrier! So I went. I joined RWA. I became active in my local chapter. I lived and breathed writing all day, every day. I was either writing or reading about writing.

There are a ton of great writing books out there. Here are a few of my favorites:

Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass (the workbook is great too!)
Goal, Motivation, Conflict by Debra Dixon
On Writing by Stephen King
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Escaping into the Open by Elizabeth Berg
Making a Literary Life by Carolyn See
The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters by Christopher Vogler
Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell

Tomorrow: The Writer's Journey (aka Christopher Vogler)

September 17, 2007


The Journey Part 1

Going to the ACFW Conference later in the week has me thinking over the last year. It's been a year since I went to my first ACFW Conference. Now, I've been to a lot of conferences in my time as a writer, but none has had quite the impact as this one has on me. What a difference a year can make too!

In thinking over the last year and how far God has brought me with my writing, it's made me think about my journey into writing and publication. I thought I'd journal over the next few days about my journey. I hope you will find it helpful and encouraging no matter what journey you're on.

Every summer, I wondered what else I could do besides teach. I'd been teaching for 4 years. 'Career' had never really been emphasized in my home. My mother talked of career more in terms of things I could fall back on if I needed them or careers that would work well with raising children IF I had to work. I always thought I was just supposed to be a wife and mother. I never really thought God has a plan for me other than that. Okay, so, no prince on a white steed had arrived to rescue me from the doldrums of teaching. Not even a tarnished knight on an old nag. I just knew that teaching wasn’t my destiny. I loved the kids, but I was not fulfilled. I enjoyed creating what we would do in the classroom but implementing it not so much. I wanted something … something more. But I didn’t know what that was.

One day, my sister suggested that I be a writer since I was always scribbling in my journal. That sounded wonderful. So without much thought or study, I quit my job in the spring of 1991, finished out the school year, moved to the country (my parents' ranch) and set up shop to write. Now, I do not recommend this. I remember praying and telling God I really liked being at the ranch. But other than that I didn't pray about it much. I do remember feeling peaceful about the decision. I had come to a place in my life where it was scarier to stay put then it was to seek adventure. So off I went. Boy has it been a journey!

September 14, 2007



Allergies and colds have shut us down at my house for a couple of days. It always hits my son the worst, as it kicks up his asthma. I've had a cold but am so much better now. Some cold meds I took last night knocked me out. Actually felt good to sleep so hard and so long.

This weekend we're celebrating my daughter's birthday! She turns 8 tomorrow! Can't believe it. She is such a little lady, so mature for her age. It is so much fun to have real conversations with her but it's also fun (as I mentioned earlier) to rock out with her.

I'm getting ready to go to the ACFW conference next week. It's made me think about what all God has done in my life during the last year. Amazing stuff. But also to think through my writing career. I think next week, I'll blog about my writing and where God has taken my writing. So hope you'll come back for that.

In the mean time, check out this Youtube spot. It is hysterical. (Thanks, Natasha, for sending it to me!) If you're a writer, do NOT drink anything while viewing. You don't want to spew coffee, Rock Star or whatever all over your computer and zap it.


September 13, 2007


Elvis is IN the building

Elvis has been rescued! No ransom paid. The police figured out Elvis could not be writing those notes because Elvis didn't like to be called 'The King.' That title, Elvis said, was reserved for 'the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.'

So Elvis the bust is back home in Julie's office safe and secure. She is able to finally work again. January is approaching and Elvis Takes a Back Seat will soon hit bookstores. There's lots of work to be done in the mean time.

Thanks for keeping an eye out for Elvis! We can all rest easy now.

P. S. If you're in the Dallas area next week, ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) is having a booksigning open to the public. My publisher is sending sample chapters, a cute little promotional thing they've done, and I'll be giving them away. GIVING. So, yes, they're free! I'll post info next week on the booksigning location. HOpe you'll stop by. There will be lots of Christian fiction authors signing their books.

September 12, 2007



I've found my calling. I just got out of chapel and I wanted to make a little music of my own. I think I'll stay here all day playing these old gospel songs on the piano. When I get done playing, I'll come home. Until then, I'm here Rubberneckin' in the lobby being All Shook Up.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

The King

September 11, 2007


Always on my Mind

If you want to catch me, I'm in the Heartbreak Hotel Cafe right now.

If you get down here fast enough...maybe you can catch me before I leave. If you don't make it...then That's All Right, Mama. You're Always On My Mind.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

The King

September 7, 2007


Elvis on the Loose

Hello. It's me...Elvis. I have a confession to make. I haven't been kidnapped. I just ran away.

I haven't been treated good since I took up residence in your cube. I'm the King. The King can't sit on a desk day after day. The King needs to have some fun! I'm out having some adventures, but I will return soon. I'm taking pictures of my adventures so you'll be able to see where I am. I'll send you my first picture first thing tomorrow morning. Until then...try not to miss me too bad, Little Sister. It's time for A Little Less Conversation and a Little More Action Please!

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

The King

Is this simply a ploy of the 'kingnappers' or is it a legitimate note from the king? Where oh where could he be?

September 6, 2007


Elvis has been stolen!

The highly regarded, priceless Elvis bust has been stolen! It has been sitting on Julie Gwinn's desk in the marketing department of B&H Publishers as she has been working on publicity for my book, Elvis Takes a Back Seat. What inspiration! Can you imagine having Elvis watch over you daily? How wonderful would that be! How inspirational! But, and here is the tragedy, Julie walked into her office and Elvis had left not only her office but the building! What will Julie do? How will she go on?

In Elvis' place of honor was this note:

"Well, I left my home in Norfolk, Virginia, California on my mind..."

Just like the song said, I've been dreaming of the Promised Land. I've decided to get out there in the Music City...Get back to my roots with the other Hound Dogs.

Don't take it personal that I left. I may be back soon, after I see the world a bit, but for now...it's Viva Las Vegas!

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

The King

This is quite serious! Who would be so cruel as to steal Elvis? Shame, shame, shame! If you spot Elvis in your city, please let us know so we can get Elvis safely back where he belongs and catch the evil culprits! Julie is devastated. She is right now Crying in the Chapel. Please help her...and consequently my book by finding Elvis! Let everyone you know ... know! Spread the word. We must FIND ELVIS!

September 5, 2007


Playing Taps

Bobby, the beta fish, died yesterday. Well, it may have been while we were out of town. He didn't leave a note. But he checked out of the SpongeBob Squarepants hotel and is now swimming happily under the 'Rainbow Bridge'. My nine year old grieved like someone at the wailing wall. I was understanding at first, sympathetic, loving. I gave lots of hugs. But by the end of the day, I wanted to scream, "It's a fish!" It was a long day for all of us.

So please lift your mug of milk or chai tea to Bobby the Beta fish.

September 4, 2007


How much fun can you have?

We had a great weekend at my folks. We did see some wild pigs. Actually, the first one I saw was HUGE! I'm talking about 300 lbs. Then we saw several little ones (as in 20-40lbs) making a quick getaway. My sister and I rowed across the lake (okay, she rowed) and we walked around in some woods with my kids. We saw piggie and raccoon tracks.

But how much fun can one body take? So much good food, lazing around (okay, I got up early, early, early so I could work on my book and then lazed the rest of the day) and watching movies. Enough! Back to work! Back to the regular grind!


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